When I arrived at the school I saw a sea of children in little red and blue uniforms and met my fellow teachers, Catherine, Nicole, David and Lauren. My Director, Asim, showed me around and introduced me to everyone and I have to say I've been lucky, everyone there is great. They all helped out so much in the first week and I feel pretty comfortable there already.
I teach three classes now, KG7 (kindergarten, where I have 5 students (more coming) 3 dominant boys, one quiet one and a little girl named Sally. Oh yeah, one of the boys' name is Dino (short for dinosaur) that's actually his name..how cool is that?? Why couldn't you name me Dinosaur mom?
The little girls are
My kids, from left to right Sally, Bruno (beside her), Justin (upfront) then Dino and Nathen (my Korean version of little Luke)
(Sally and Dino playing with my nose, he has a goood grip)
I spent some time getting used to Ilsan. It has a great park just blocks from my apartment. It's a great forested park with birds, mammals and insects, then it opens up into a public space. Then on the opposite side of town (5 mins away) is Lake Park. A beautiful man made lake with plenty of space for acitivities around the Lake. So far I've seen hundreds of kites being flown, kids playing in fountains, a great Korean drumming show and a singer.

Lake Park Scenes
Asim and I made it into Seoul for my first time yesterday and I wasn't a huge fan of it. So big! I still had a great time there yesterday, Asim's a photographer as well so we have plenty to talk about.

I have to say, I'm pretty lucky here. Ilsan is quite clean, great air and it's a litttle removed from the rest of Korea (not a big deal). My coworkers and my Teaching Partner (Sarah) have all been great. Lauren, Nicole and Catherine got me to join the gym downstairs in my apartment building and now I'm taking yoga classes...which are kicking my ass but you feel soo good afterwards. Makes sleeping alot easier. And the food's great!

So that's it for this week. Hopefully I'll do more soon!
Nicole, Cat, Lauren and myself when we all matched!
Adam the pics are great and you look very professional with a kid latched to your nose! lol SOunds liek you are really settling in and it's going to be a great year.
Wow, what a completely different world. Looks like you're going to have many great adventures. And your kids are adorable!
hahahahahahahaha dude, haha, sweett pics, and hope things go good for you, and I feel for your guitars you left home and your amp as they sit there collecting dust begging to be played, when you coming back anyhow? I got a red dot for my paint ball gun. but yea hit me back man later
Don't forget to go to Seoraksan National Park. You'll love it!!
Great pics so far :)
Best of luck,
Hey Cutie,
I am so proud of you and envious of your accomplishments. What your doing is amazing for those kids but at the same time your being introduced to a new culture and taking in the beautiful surroundings. Seeing those kids play around with you, is SO YOU!!!! love the child that blossoms in you. Your in your element. Keep shining. Look forward to your future endeavours and amazing photography. Keep all of us posted.
Ps: I have to talk to you about business. Purchasing pics.
hugs and kisses
Hey Cutie,
I am so proud of you and envious of your accomplishments. What your doing is amazing for those kids but at the same time your being introduced to a new culture and taking in the beautiful surroundings. Seeing those kids play around with you, is SO YOU!!!! love the child that blossoms in you. Your in your element. Keep shining. Look forward to your future endeavours and amazing photography. Keep all of us posted.
Ps: I have to talk to you about business. Purchasing pics.
hugs and kisses
hey newf...who exactly are you? is it shan heffernan?
Excellent Autumn pictures ! cant wait for my next trip to set foot on Mt Seoraksan!
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